Are You Going To Switch It Up?
“I'm the strongest woman in the world! “ - Chun-Li, Street Fighter II
Chun-Li is the main female protagonist and one of the strongest playable characters in the popular Capcom Street Fighter video game series. She’s an iconic character amongst generations and made her first appearance in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior while also being a character skin in the most recent hit game Fortnite. Her main purpose in life is to avenge her fathers death from M. Bison who becomes a playable boss character in Street Fighter II: Champion Edition.
Fun Fact: Chun-Li is the first female character to appear in a fighting game.
(Release - February, 1991)
Street Fighter Chun-Li GIF
Nintendo Plans Switch Replacement
Nintendo has some big news when it comes to their popular Switch console. They aim to start creating the new Switch as soon as July with the upgraded release release for its four-year-old game console in September or possibly even October.
The upgraded switch is set to be priced higher than the original at $299 with more details to be announced at the E3 conference starting on June 12th. Nintendo plans to use faster Nvidia chips in their newest model. You can read more about this here. Despite the shortage of chips, Nintendo is confident they can keep up with the demand in orders. Are you going to purchase the newest Nintendo Switch? Submit and let us know!
The Big Push is a team founded by all women and created by Sharon Zohar (Founder/CEO). Sharon sheds light on the true importance of having the important conversations and challenges women face with their startups. In an interview she said “ I think more and more conversations are happening. It’s the right time for women to be loud and clear that we are here and we are going to make an economic change. We are a force and we the need the support of many other organized initiatives.” Their commitment and focus to elevate companies created by women by creating actionable and measurable growth plans is incredible. Sharon is a total go getter and the founding members on her team are a force to be reckoned with.
Some of the features we love: they are very action oriented by having access to hands on support from talented business experts, lead by women with empathetic understanding about challenges women face in a male dominated startup ecosystem.
Julia “Juliano” Kiran
Homebase - Karlshamn, Sweden
Games of choice - Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Highlight - She is the captain of Team Secret, which became world champion at the Electronic Sports World Championship in 2016.
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BRON Studios (Vancouver, BC) - Interactive Game Producer
Electronic Arts (Vancouver, BC) - Social Game Designer
East Side Games (Vancouver, BC) - Game Data Analyst
Game Hive (Toronto, ON) - Mobile Game Developer
Skillz (Vancouver, BC) - Lead Game Producer